Meet Craig Robinson

Craig Robinson

Craig Robinson, senior policy officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is part of Australia's efforts to tackle poverty and eliminate hunger around the globe.

With over three years’ experience in agriculture and food security policy, Craig says the Master of Asia Pacific Studies equipped him with the knowledge to pursue positive social and economic change in the Asia Pacific region. 

“Many people are really surprised when I tell them over two-thirds of the global food insecure live in our region. That’s 490 million people, so it’s a significant number of people who are going hungry, many of whom are children.

The Master of Asia Pacific Studies provided me with in-depth knowledge of the social, economic and political backdrop that helped me understand where this region came from, where it is going, and how we can understand and start to address a problem like food insecurity. The program gives you the complete picture, which has been incredibly useful.”

Craig was drawn to ANU because of its international reputation and the quality of its staff and students.

“ANU is recognised globally as a centre of learning and research excellence. The opportunity to learn alongside high calibre students, supported by academics who are world leaders in their respective fields, made ANU the logical choice.

“The quality of staff at ANU was exceptional. Since graduating from ANU, I am part of a community of global leaders that I can always approach for advice.

The relationships you form at ANU can carry you through the rest of your professional life.”

Receiving commendation for his impeccable 7.00 Grade Point Average in 2015, Craig graduated in December as one of the top performing students at Australia’s number one university.
